While in 2013, blogging took a back seat to other activities, in the past year, I again presented an updated version of Everyday sustainability, this time at United Nations University in Tokyo. There you have it. If you want to follow the hyperlinks, to sources inside the preso, (slideshare shows only as image) please download the pdf version.
Sustainability for me starts with learning and awareness, and it includes human ingenuity that makes modern life affordable and comfortable for many. As a small example, I labeled switches with the wattage each controls (here 60W) and marked with a red dot the lights to switch off as soon as not needed (incandescents). Changing consumption choices while keeping comfort costs close to nothing and can return a lot.
The lower switch is a timer adjusted to 6 minutes for the fan that exchanges the room air volume about once in this time. Running it longer would just draw more cold air into the home, or warm air in summer, driving up the heating or cooling cost for no gain in comfort.
If sustainablility means more...
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