Artists inform scientists what might be worth trying.
Engineers build what might be worth buying.
Marketers find people, offer win-win for mutual profit.
Industrialists make it affordable and cheaper - this might not work much longer.
Financiers take risks and take rewards, cyclically bubbling.
Teachers help future artists, scientists, engineers, marketers, industrialists, and more find their vision and calling. This might work.
Others create safe spaces for stillness and peace, to find personal truth. This might be worth trying.
I will be glad if I can help you get better energy technology to succeed, in the ultimate vision non-polluting yet safe and easy to use, easy to get used to, and easy on the planet at end-of-use. Likely decentralized for added resilience.
What might we co-create if we connect?
Image credit: retrieved 2013-01-02
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