On 2012-01-18, Wikipedia looked like this on a modern Firefox browser. Learn more.
With an obsolete browser like Internet Explorer 6, the page looked like this:
Via Twitter, thank you
Okay, no more Wikipedia-jokes today. Disable JavaScript, go to any article you want, wait for it to go black, OHNOITDI'N'T. You're welcome.
@CoCreatr if you put an 'm' after en. You can access Wikipedia! en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheese #sopa
Wikipedia, WordPress, Craigslist & others
black out their sites today in protest:
journ.us/yBgnJr "Internet goes on strike"
Here's what our @garymarshall thinks of the Wikipedia blackout - nice idea, but it won't work techradar.com/news/internet/…
The black-out of Wikipedia illustrates the Big Yellow Taxi Principle: "You don't know what you got till it's gone" Sing Joni, sing!
Wikipedia has gone black bit.ly/cW8MCg
@tomwatson Truth appears to be more like "When Wikipedia goes black, it doesn't really..." is.gd/34jSLy
Wikipedia will black out English language version Wednesday to protest to protest anti-piracy legislation ilnk.me/d03a rdr @dcarli
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