Our hearts go out to the many people who lost lives, relatives, friends, or livelihood, and to the many still living in very challenging conditions in shelters. Those directly affected by the earthquake and tsunami need our support most, Please donate to a charity you trust. For people abroad, I trust betterplace to transparently coordinate relief projects and especially support the Shelterbox Project. For people in Japan, look at Second Harvest.
It is moving to see on national TV reunited families, people happy to have their first warm meal or bathe and change clothes for the first time in 10 days. Still, NHK reports 760,000 households in 11 prefectures are without running water. We all wish aid would arrive faster. This may mean civil courage to ignore a bureaucracy currently crippled, and selflessly helping where an overburdened government tries to retain "control" but surrounded by chaos, naturally cannot. This stance makes things worse.
Rely on the awesome power of self-organization.
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