Happened again upon Venessa Miemis' talk at Sibos, and gave it a fresh edit on the machine transcription Youtube provided. 'Tis the season...
Machine translation: Stopbanque meets Wikileaks. The edit with errors and omissions below is mine.
Creative "Bank Hacking" via Financial Networks Establishes Itself
Since quite little is happening at the window front of the customer-friendly bank, the number of net activists targeting the banking and financial industries is growing incessantly. At the recent Sibos trade conference, the New York student Venessa Miemis did read this industry the riot act. Her lecture simply illuminates the question what the young generation around 30 expects from their banks. At least that enlightened part of mankind, who would like to redefine the handling of money.
Anyhow, what well trained university graduates expect might be much higher than having to listen to advertising platitudes from stand-up comedians with foreseeable third-grader punch lines for such an audience. An update and a longer interview for the emergence and objective of the art video “The Future of Money” are available via Dossierjournal.com. And if you like to review Venessa's appearance in Amsterdam, live and in color as a short summary, that is available on Youtube.
Thanks for linking to my video excerpt, Telepolis. Here is the link to Gabriel Shalom's interview on Dossierjournal.
The Telepolis article goes on into crowdfunding. Worth a read even in machined English.
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