Trying a remote course here. Yes, there are people who did not learn to ride the bike as a kid and as an adult they may feel shy asking for help.
You provide the bicycle (maybe with Santa's help) , find a clear and undisturbed open space and motivate the student. If student is a minor, adult guidance is needed. Fear is not needed. No training wheels, ever.
What is in it for you: You can teach yourself or your child to ride the bicycle in a few 10-15 minute sessions until comfortable to ride in a safe space. This is not for traffic, additional skills are needed before riding in traffic, mostly on orientation and traffic safety rules.
This is a self-paced course. Each step is a basis for the following steps. Follow sequence and do each step until comfortable. Take a short break after latest 15 minutes, earlier if you sense tension or see knuckles whiten. If one step appears too difficult to master, redo prior steps and try again. If this text needs improvement, please leave a comment.
Coaching goals
Pick up a dropped bike, sidestand on, sidestand off, walk the bike, get on and off, start, balance (dandy horse), stop, build little speed, stop, turns at low speed, pedal, build speed, stop, turns at speed, emergency stop, celebrate.
1. Check the bike per its manual (safety instructions). Can student pull both brakes? If not adjust to hand size or fix if needed.
2. Set saddle so low that student can plant both feet flat on the ground. Remove pedals, they are not needed to learn the most important skill (balance) and may hurt the feet.
3. No training wheels - never ever. They make a bicycle handle like a tricycle and prevent learning to balance the bicycle.
If your bicycling student is a kid, read this free how-to from a good soul at the University of Minnesota. You will be good to go.
Self-paced coaching, guide a minor
Lay down bike on the ground and pick it up.
Approach the bike where you can grab its handlebar and saddle. Hold on tight, in a moment you will have half of the bike's weight on your hands. Step away backwards and slowly lay it on the ground towards you. Pick up the bike from the ground. repeat from the other side. Skip the step if not needed, however it helps build familiarity with its weight and may be handy at some time.
Ready to go through.
Practice each step until smiles, improvement, end before fatigue, repeat prior steps if uncertain, advance to next step if you see boredom.
☐ sidestand on, sidestand off, hold bike upright, lean a little, feel the weight,
☐ hold and walk the bike, straight, then in an eight pattern
☐ get on and off, try the other side, too
☐ start rolling, slow, feel for balance (dandy horse), stop,
☐ roll at low speed, stop,
☐ turn at low speed, stop
☐ add pedals if you have
☐ build speed, stop,
☐ turn at speed, straighten out to stop
☐ brake in turn (bike falls to inside),
☐ straight emergency stop ( both brakes, skid rear wheel),
☐ emergency stop in turn (rear brake only, drift),
☐ celebrate.
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