No, I am not touching on brassieres here, where standardization could save the beauties in our life some time shopping, should the industry finally agree on more reliable size and fit standards. For most other clothing the garment industry has standardized pretty well, but then that is less crucial in fit and less intensely looked at, right?
2010-12-15 Update: to give this topic more of the space it deserves, I moved it to a new blog. Join in at Stand on Standardization
Yes, standardization can be sexy and it does save cost
Standards reduce cost and hassle, because they make products and services interoperable. They make markets more accessible to consumers, makers, and suppliers. Standards make safety, performance, and other compliance assessments and certification affordable, further adding to trust between global trading partners.
As in this example, you can buy bolts in bulk from Germany, and nuts in lots from Japan, and - ta-da - they have perfect fit for effective, um, screwing on the assembly line. The profits and success of using standards are obvious, on one hand.
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