This tweet caught my eye -
johnniemoore repointing noises
10:53 PM Aug 19th via TweetDeck
I totally misunderstood the meaning of repoint as re-point. Actually looked it up before my second reply. Look at the convo that emerged.
Unfortulately, twonvo info is not re-usable in copy/paste only in human-readable form, but it was the one service that came up by googling. It helps us see the thread neatly. All you can see by search on twitter's web page is each side of the dialog, copied here so ou can hit any links you might find interesting.
Real-time results for johnniemoore to:cocreatr
johnniemoore @CoCreatr I loved that article about using the Bohm dialogue approach (
1:14 AM Aug 20th via TweetDeck from Haverstock, London in reply to CoCreatr
johnniemoore @CoCreatr yes! and we keep acting like it isn't. are you into David Bohm on this? I thought his ideas were fascinating
11:20 PM Aug 19th via TweetDeck in reply to CoCreatr
johnniemoore @CoCreatr it's report of what I'm hearing, the builders are repointing outside. my role entirely passive :)
10:59 PM Aug 19th via TweetDeck in reply to CoCreatr
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Real-time results for cocreatr to:johnniemoore
CoCreatr @johnniemoore Thank you. Found #Bohm promoting "radically new understandings about collective action." like #Junto
11:30 PM Aug 19th via web in reply to johnniemoore
CoCreatr @johnniemoore I see, noises of repointing bricks. I understood repointing the noises. Language, a bizarre domain
11:04 PM Aug 19th via web in reply to johnniemoore
CoCreatr @johnniemoore How do you do that?
10:55 PM Aug 19th via web in reply to johnniemoore
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Looks not that useful. So, the need for a threaded interface is clear. Do you happen to know applications that do this on the fly?
Another fine blog
Curious, I went to @johnniemoore's blog and was surprised to find a very neat way of keeping daily history. Blogging at its finest. Now looking for ways to do same - and easily, please.
While at it, can we weave this in: Often, especially when following Twitter links, I am asking myself
How did I get here? Who was so kind to share the link?
I believe a Google-Wave-like browser history would help me reconstruct the time line more easily. How about you, how do you backtrack what you do on-line?
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