Swami Beyondananda put it this way in his
Swami’s 2009 State of the Universe
... While the beliefs in our head fool us all the time, the love in our heart is foolproof. When we face up to love, we can face down the fear.
What this means in practical reality is that we must step across the “red-blue” political divide that has kept us separate, and show our true colors as one purple people. Yes, we have all been wounded by polarizing politics, so let’s give ourselves a purple heart, and take the next courageous step to cohere around our shared “heart core” values and become ... we, the purple.
I have a dream ... that the rednecks shall lie down with the blue necks, and we tune out the polarizing mainstream media, which is sadly a brainwashing machine stuck on spin. More than ever, we need forums not againstums, dialogue instead of debate. ...
Purple people power, and thank you.
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