I offer this Ode to Twitter as a small thank you for these two free services and to the people who keep Twitter.com and Twitpic.com going. You are truly (i) inspiring.
Thanks. We Inspire Tribes To Explore Realtime.
What inspired me was the 2009 inaugural poem and a related 2001 poem on the past president, so I waxed poetic. Thank you, all poets and those on the way to.
The rest of the story
Joined twitter as cocreatr quite a while ago, following Lee LeFever's video Twitter in Plain English. But for months, I did not find use for tweets.
Connected with a few social network tribe members for a week or two. On January 20th, watched #inauguration tweets for a while and got inspired to stay up by 2. a.m Japan time to follow the event live on TV. The enlightened energy! Two Million people and zero arrests! (got via retweets later.)
Next day, a light came on while twittering. To express my gratitude, I tweeted :
Dear twitterfriends: You are a great inspirative news source to me.
I felt it for a few days, now I can grasp it. Your focus saves me time.
In other words, my dear and few friends help me improve the signal/noise level in the news stream of this world and help me find things I am interested in but would not find otherwise.
And I am reachable as this unique example shows.
lisahickey @cocreatr I saw your symbol ~ (i) for "inspired by" ~ used today. It had a wonderful effect: provoking me to want to inspire more. about 2 hours ago from TweetDeck
Latest: @lisahickey Great, thanks for sharing the love. Where did you see (i) it? That is, outside my blog http://tinyurl.com/6hsa6q 27 minutes ago.
There you are. Making technology accessible.
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