The Tribes Casebook just released as promised yesterday.
Seth Godin writes in his blog:
In honor of today's publication of my new book, Tribes, I asked the people who joined the online triiibe group to write an ebook.
Click on the fire scene for the download link. It is free, no registration needed. And - tada! - it contains a second case study of mine. Here it is.
Pecha Kucha Night
by CoCreatr
WHAT: Live computer-aided presentation, usually with projection screen in a defined timebox. 20 slides for 20 seconds each, 6:40 uninterrupted. About 10-14 presentations per night.
WHEN: Usually once a month, depending on the city, started in 2003.
WHERE: More than one hundred cities world wide, plus an unknown number of corporate settings.
MISSION: Offer more people the chance to show their creative work to an interested audience. Keep presentations concise and interest level up. Share while respecting courteous limits.
LEADER: Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham (Klein Dytham architecture), Tokyo
TRIBAL TIES: Face-to-face socializing through attending an edutainment event. Watchers find place and time from a tagcloud. Moderate entrance fee (~ 10$). Presenters register per internet. Common challenge in simple prescribed presentation format, straightforward time control and no commercial pitch allowed. Pecha Kucha Night ® is a registered trademark.
INSIGHTS: PKN offers a forum to sharers and seekers of wisdom to find each other in a defined setting and timeframe. It could be called an art exhibition on fast forward, or an unconference. The rigid presentation and timeboxing requirements ‘yield the floor’ to each presenter and support the audience’s attention span while offering relaxing breaks by the restauranty ambience and side activity for participants by being connected e.g. by twittering. More audience autonomy in a teaching setting.
The 6:40 time requirement suits on-line video very well. Metacafe offers 420 videos tagged "pecha kucha", some are labeled affiliate with YouTube which lists about 429 so tagged. [Retrieved 2008-09-06]
- Pecha Kucha Training Bite by spiraltraining (one of her 20 slides shows the purple cow!)
- Pecha Kucha: High Impact Conferencing by Jack Powers
- Innovation by InnovationFish (corporate setting)
- Pecha Kucha Night Vol.39 "bintabon" in Japanese with English on the slides, appears on Garr Reynold's Presentation Zen blog.
- How NOT To Use Powerpoint By Comedian Don McMillan
Compiled from publicly available sources as indicated, by
CoCreatr (yours truly)
No blog, no hyperlink, just fun.
[Correct at the time I posted the story, now I have a blog, as you are reading it.]
Full disclosure: I am not affiliated with anyone in the tribe studied here and have not participated in any Pecha Kucha Night or event. Here is the first "PK lite" presentation I ever watched, on-line: Lee Lefever on Travel Technology at Ignite Seattle. (See also: blog post.)
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